Friday, December 17, 2010

Carroll Middle School First Cross Country Meet For Alex

This week my 12-year-old daughter, Alex, had her first cross-country meet. Wow! 7th grade. Where did the time go? The States of Texas is so weird with their sports timing. Middle school cross country is December to February. Very strange and I figure we will be freezing for many of the meets, so it will feel just like Rhode Island in November! All joking aside, when she put on her uniform, I almost cried. My heart was so full of joy that my daughter would hopefully experience the same positive affect that competitive running had on my teen years. Most of my happy times as a teen revolved around running and running is so much a part of my life still today.

As for Alex’s first meet, true to form, she found the only gopher hole in the first 100 yards of the race and fell flat on her face (all my Facebook friends that ran with me are laughing, my nickname was “Crash Crane” because I fell so much!), but got right back up and proceeded to pass about a hundred people. She finished 83rd (out of about 300) and did her best time to date. She was very excited and happy. Energized to do it again after the holidays!

So here is a shout out to all Moms who infect their kids with the running bug. Keep it up!
It is a great way to occupy them as teens and positively influence their health choices for a lifetime!

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