Monday, January 27, 2014

Myths Vs. Facts About Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer Myths vs. Facts
MYTH #1: 80% of a person’s lifetime exposure to the sun happens before the age of 18, so after that age it really doesn't matter how much sun I get!

                FACT: Only 23% of lifetime sun exposure occurs by age 18. You can and should help prevent sun damage at every age!

MYTH #2: Tanning at a tanning salon is safer than tanning outdoors because it is a controlled dose of radiation.

                FACT: When compared to those that have never tanned indoors, indoor tanners have a higher risk of all kinds of skin cancer. A controlled doe of tanning lamp radiation is a high dose. Frequent tanners using new high pressure sun lamps may receive as much as 12 times the annual UVA dose they received from sun exposure.

MYTH #3: The sun is the best way to get Vitamin D

                FACT: Our bodies can produce Vitamin D following exposure to the Sun’s UVB radiation. However, after a limited amount of sun exposure (5 min daily in NYC at noon in the summer), Vitamin D production reaches its maximum. Further UV exposure will actually breakdown Vitamin D to inactive compounds. Furthermore, sun exposure does increase your risk of skin cancer and premature skin aging. The safest way to get Vit D is through diet and supplements!

More Myths to be busted next blog!!!!

Can’t wait for more info? These Myths vs. Facts were provided by

Dr Marybeth Crane is running the 2014 Boston Marathon to celebrate the life of David Bloom and raise money for the Melanoma Foundation. To learn more about this important cause click here.

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