Saturday, November 29, 2008

You Know You are a Runner When...

An excerpt from my upcoming book "If Your Runner Feet Could Talk", coming to you in January 2009 from

Addendum I: Every Runner Needs a Little Humor!

I hope after reading this book you feel like part of our running communities. It never ceases to amaze me how I can travel to another part of the country or the world and instantly make new friends with other runners. We share the same experiences, goals and crazy traits across age, sex, and abilities. Runners are a world community. So I have included this list that has traveled the internet and has been edited many times by many groups. Here is our version:

You Know You Are a Runner When…..

1. you roll your eyes when people ask, "how long was your last marathon?”
2. you think it’s totally acceptable to stop at the side of the road and accept fruit or gatorade from a perfect stranger
3. you are in a race and have to pee, bushes are now your friend
4. you come up with weird answers to questions like "why do you run so much?"
5. all your socks are either stained or torn.
6. you can spit while running.
7. you finish a race looking like you wrestled an alligator, and not only do you not care, but post the pictures on Facebook.
8. you schedule family vacations around races.
9. you spend more money on training clothes than work clothes.
10. you secretly have a stash of 20 pairs of old running shoes
11. you have running withdrawal if you don't run or at least cross-train everyday.
12. your only excuse for not running is projectile vomit and even that’s questionable
13. you wake up every morning in pain somewhere, and then rationalize it!
14. Accelerade is your drug of choice.
15. you can’t remember the last time you slept in on a Saturday
16. you count hills as your friends
17. your favorite food group is carbohydrates.
18. you are always hungry.
19. your house, car and gym bag smells like Biofreeze.
20. your toe nails are black or falling off.
21. you wear skimpier clothes than Brittney Spears running
22. you run through puddles instead of around them.
23. you can blow nose with your index finger. (Snot rockets)
24. you know exactly what a difference .10 miles can make
25. your running peeps are like family
26. you have more inside jokes than a stand up comedian.
27. your running peeps know more about you than your spouse
28. you have or almost have been hit by a car.
29. you can convert miles and kilometers in your head, but for any other math you need a calculator.
30. you buy water and/or Gatorade by the case at Costco
31. you count Power Bars as a meal
32. you've become a professional blister popper
33. you have some funky looking tan lines
34. you have a collector’s edition of “Chariots of Fire”
35. you tell how old your shoes are by how many miles are on them
36. LSD is not a narcotic
37. you can run 26 miles and never stop talking
38. you know your PR for every distance and the Boston qualifying time for your age
39. you know 20 different ways to combat plantar fasciitis and can spell and pronounce it correctly
40. when you reach your marathon goal, you think it’s perfectly normal to start planning your first Ironman…..

Feel free to add to the list and pass it on :)
Run Happy!!!

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